
Contact us

We hope that you will consider SPU as a possible academic home for your student! 如果你有任何问题, contact us 打电话或发邮件,bg视讯很乐意帮助你.


We understand that one of the biggest decisions you will make as a family is where your student will go to college. 有这么多优秀的大学可供选择, 各有各的长处, 对你的学生来说,找到合适的工作是很重要的. 你从哪里开始呢?


Who we are

bg视讯是全国排名第一的航空公司, private, liberal arts university — rooted in Christian faith — with a 43-acre campus located on the north slope of beautiful Queen Anne Hill, 距离西雅图市中心只有10分钟的路程.

For over 125 years, bg视讯的使命 倾注在学生身上, and likewise, 那些学生加入了他们的声音, experiences, and stories to the richness of this wonderful academic community.

You can read all about SPU’s facts and figures, but there is a special sort of transformation that happens when students have relationships with their professors, direct access to research opportunities and internships, 一个他们感到被支持和被关注的社区, and opportunity to dive deeper into their faith while engaging in dialogue around life’s challenging questions.

Rigorous academics

校园大小适中,规模可控, SPU is tailored to the needs of students so they won’t feel lost, 回应每个人的利益和


We 让bg视讯的学生做好准备 为他们毕业后的事业做准备. Not only are our students incredibly well trained in their academic fields, but we believe that 他们在课堂之外学到的一切 是他们教育经历的一部分吗, and one that contributes to building critical thinking, character, and integrity.

Seattle advantage

两全其美, SPU’s campus 坐落在美丽的住宅小区 Queen Anne, just a 10-minute bus ride from downtown Seattle and all the city has to offer. 

Eight Fortune 500 companies making their home in Seattle, some within walking distance of campus. Seattle is a leader in tech, business, healthcare, science, the arts, non-profit services, and more. 每个角落都有食物和娱乐场所, 这里有无限的实习资源, service opportunities, and fun.

Plus, if your student enjoys the outdoors, access to beaches, mountains, lakes, forests, and deserts is within an hour’s drive.

Check out the interactive 360 tour bg视讯美丽的校园和周边地区!

Christian faith

在西雅图大学,bg视讯所做的一切都植根于 Christian faith ——这促使bg视讯对学生有信心, in community, 挑战自我, 并且永远地影响着世界.

Our faculty and staff come from a wide variety of Christian traditions — including Free Methodist, Orthodox, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic — which reflects the fullness and diversity within the body of Christ.

SPU is a place for students to wrestle with difficult topics in the context of the Christian story. Students deepen their knowledge of faith in three core classes, collectively called “University Foundations,” alongside professors who make the ancient texts of Scripture come to life.

想要在信仰和 serve the community will find 有很多机会这样做. For those who do not identify as Christian or are on a different path, 这里仍然是我的归属之地.


SPU affirms the beauty and goodness of our diverse community, bg视讯有意培养一种欢迎, supportive, 为所有学生提供包容的社区.

Whether your student comes from a diverse background or underrepresented community, or is 他们家第一个上大学的bg视讯在这里与你的学生并肩而行 帮助他们加入bg视讯的社区 让他们感到安全、有价值、能有所贡献.

Our 包容性卓越办公室 为SPU的多元化工作提供领导.

Food & housing

At Seattle Pacific, you encounter an on-campus living experience unlike any other. Here, your residence hall is more than a place you live: it's where you learn, grow, 建立一生的友谊, and pursue your calling. 这是你找到学术支持的地方, 改变生活的社区活动, and leaders who help you transition to college and prepare for your future. Each year, students' experiences are tailored to where they are in their college journey. 了解更多bg视讯SPU生活体验.

The 住宿生活办公室 监督bg视讯 住房和膳食计划服务管理住房分配和膳食计划. Our award-winning 格温公共食堂 is a consistent fan favorite among students, faculty, staff, and visitors!

Health & wellness

At SPU, we empower our students to take responsibility for their health by providing health services that are accessible, 让学生茁壮成长, 营造健康的校园环境.

bg视讯提供资源来支持bg视讯的学生 mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. We also believe that physical health and fun go hand in hand, whether students play or cheer for our NCAA二级体育项目或者全年都保持活跃 intramural programs.

在COVID-19大流行期间,SPU创建了 safety protocols 保证bg视讯的学生,教职员工的安全.

Safety & security

Since the SPU campus is located within a residential neighborhood, students generally feel very safe walking on and around campus. Students also report feeling safe taking the bus around the city and enjoying all that Seattle has to offer.

However, we are proud to have a skilled team committed to the safety and security of our campus community. 安全与安保办公室 (OSS) manages SPU’s 应急准备信息, 提供24/7紧急服务, and provides walking or vehicle escorts 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition, OSS helps manage parking and commuting options for students.

奖学金、经济援助、 & affordability

Big news: SPU lowered tuition by 25% and created several large new scholarships, as part of the the Tuition Reimagined initiative. 

Why? 因为bg视讯认为这是全国排名, private education should be accessible to students and their families. We believe paying for college should be transparent and straightforward. bg视讯相信投资于bg视讯的学生.

If you feel anxious about the financing of your student’s college education, fear not! Learn about 奖学金和经济援助 看看SPU会给你带来什么损失 Net Price Calculator.

Resources for students

At SPU, we provide holistic support for each student to succeed academically, prepare for the future, and develop as whole, unique persons.

查看完整的列表 SPU的学生资源


  • Visit our 家长及家庭网站, where you can find upcoming events, information, and connection.
  • Sign up to receive In the Loop, our monthly e-newsletter for SPU parents and families.
  • Sign up to join the SPU Parent Prayer Network and receive the monthly SPU家长祷告指南.
  • 阅读在SPU发生的令人兴奋的事情, 以及bg视讯成就卓著的校友, faculty, 现在的学生达到, on our online storytelling hub SPU Stories.

Visiting SPU

We know that it’s important for both you and your student to get to know Seattle Pacific and experience what life is like here. 

Check out the options for how you and your student can visit us in person and virtually:

If your student comes to campus for an official tour or event and/or two qualifying virtual visits between August 1 and May 1, 在他们申请的那一年, 他或她将有资格获得最高一 $1,500访问奖学金 在斯坦福大学的第一年.

Application process

如果你的学生准备申请SPU, our application page explains the easy process, including how your student can prepare to applyapplication deadlines, and how to 检查你的申请状态 along the way. 

Students can use either the SPU Application or the Common Application to apply to bg视讯. SPU仍然是测试可选的


Once your student is admitted to SPU, there are several important next steps.

Connect with us

你是录取过程中很有价值的一部分, and we want to be sure you have all of the information you need and get your questions answered. 

请伸出你的手 学生招生顾问 就任何问题或关切进行联系. We are here to support your family throughout this journey!