Salary negotiation

你收到了一份工作邀请,还有一份报酬. First of all, congratulations! 现在最重要的决定是:你是接受这份工作,还是谈判? Only you can decide whether an offer is acceptable. 如果你认为自己的资历和经验比公司给你的工作更有价值, ask whether the compensation package is negotiable. You might be able to negotiate benefits.

Confidence goes a long way

你认为自己比雇主最初提供的价值更高的自信很可能会影响到雇主. When you decide to negotiate, 一定要提前知道你愿意接受多低的薪水,以及你愿意承担什么样的风险. 要现实和积极,而不是刺耳或苛求. Employers may rescind offers to inflexible candidates.

If you are a recent graduate, you may feel that you should accept any offer, 但如果你有足够的技能和经验来支持更高的报价,那么询问是否有谈判的余地是可以接受的. 

根据对你现在和长远来说最重要的事情来权衡所有的选择. 向家庭成员和导师寻求建议,但最终你可能需要跟随你的直觉.

Negotiation tips

  • Negotiate based on your skills, experience, 并了解特定领域和地点的工资标准. 
  • 要意识到,但永远不要把个人预算需求作为谈判的一部分. 
  • Give a range rather than an exact figure.

Here is an example of what you could say:

能在贵公司工作并在这个职位上施展我的才能,我感到非常兴奋. As you know, I have direct experience in this area, and I believe I bring significant skills to the position. Based on my background, I’d like to negotiate the salary, 我希望在$__到$__的范围内有更多的东西是可能的. Is there any room for negotiation?

有时候公司有谈判的空间,有时候没有,尤其是初级职位. Also, if the employer is not willing to budge on salary, you may want to negotiate for additional benefits, such as a signing bonus, stock or stock options, extra vacation time, a gym membership, tuition reimbursement, or an early salary review.

Ask for your final offer in writing, 包括任何加薪或奖金的承诺,如果没有书面形式,这些都是不可能实现的.

In the end, 你可能需要准备好决定是否接受低于你期望的结果:

谢谢你考虑我的请求,我也理解. 我仍然感兴趣,并欢迎有机会加入该组织.

But declining an offer is also acceptable. 做到优雅、专业、及时.You don’t want to burn any bridges.

Steps to Effective Salary Negotiation

  1. 你是否事先研究过这个职位的准确范围.
    • 80%的谈判工作在你进入会议室之前就已经完成了!
    • - Talk to friends, do research online.
    • - Know your work; be thoughtful about where you stack up.
    • -还要考虑就业市场上合格候选人的供应情况.
    试着确定招聘经理/公司面临的最大挑战是什么, & map out how you can help solve them
    • -询问招聘经理他们在面试中遇到的最大挑战
  1. 一定要感谢面试官,并重申你对这个职位的兴奋之情.
    • - “First, I want to say I’m very excited about the role. I want to be here, this is the job that I want.”
  2. Give a range, and suggest where you fall into that range.
    • - If you deserve to be at the top, name why: your attributes, experiences, promotion progression, current salary, etc.
    • -从公司的价值出发,而不仅仅是你自己的价值
    • - E.g. “根据我自己对这个职位在这家公司和其他公司的研究, what I’ve actually seen is range of $45K-$65K. 我想考虑到我的经验和我在其他角色上取得的成功 that I believe I’ll bring here too,我相信我应该处于这个范围的高端.”
    • 重复你在面试中了解到的最重要的挑战, and map out how you can help solve them
    • -“好像你告诉我的是你最大的挑战是X, Y和Z. 如果你不介意的话,我准备了一份文件来说明我将如何应对这三个挑战. “以下是我为贵公司确定的挑战……这些是我在前30年要做的事情。, 60 or 90 days.’"
  3. 当你有一个明确的目标时,在你决定是否要求更多的时候,要仔细阅读招聘经理的意见
    • - Never use an adversarial tone.
    • - “I really like your company, it has what I need, and I want to make sure I can be there for the long term. Can we talk about another 5%?
  4. 一旦薪水达到了上限,就去寻找其他的补偿方式.
    • “bg视讯没有谈到的一件事是其他的补偿模式: signing bonus, tuition reimbursement, stock options (especially for start-ups). Would it be appropriate to talk about some of those now?”
    • - E.g. Tuition Reimbursement –“I’m a lifelong learner, 对在这个职位上的成长充满热情,并把学到的东西带回公司. Do you offer tuition reimbursement or assistance?”
  5. 考虑要求一个评估周期,为未来的谈判敞开大门.
    • -如果通常是一年,建议6个月后复查一次
    • ——“我想问的另一件事是,在评估我是否适合升职或加薪时,我的表现的评估周期是怎样的. If it’s usually a year, bg视讯是否可以在6个月后进行一次评估,以确定我的薪水,这对我带来的经验更有帮助?”
  6. Know your bottom line.
    • - Only you can decide if an offer is too low.
    • - If it is, be prepared to keep looking; it may be the best move for you.
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Researching Salary Resources
Search for salaries, benefits, and more. 完全基于现任和前任员工分享的评论和评级.
You can also use their Know Your Worth 计算器来发现你目前在就业市场上的价值, 弄清楚你是否得到了公平的报酬,并探索增加工资的方法.

LinkedIn Salary
Discover your earning potential.
Find out where your job might take you! Compare salaries past, present, and future.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Search wage data by area and occupation. 你可以在全美50个州和哥伦比亚特区的395个大都市统计区(msa)和130多个非大都市地区的约400个行业中搜索800多种职业的工资, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.


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